In Likely First, Joshua Gold Resources Receives Approval of Drone LiDAR Results

Joshua Gold Resources Inc. (OTCMKTS: JSHG) is proud to announce that it has received what it believes is the very first government approval of mining survey results generated using drone-enabled LiDAR technology in the province of Ontario.

The 8-hour survey took place on May 27 and 28 of 2022 at Joshua Gold Resources’ McCool property, a gold prospect located in northern Ontario. The survey results received approval by MENDM (Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines) on September 2, 2022.

LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, uses laser pulses to help generate precise, three dimensional information about the characteristics of the earth’s surface. It offers several advantages over other surveying methods, like the ability to penetrate tree canopy, making it extremely well suited to mineral exploration. Using LiDAR enables exploration teams to better assess surface features, and plays a critical role in dictating the next steps in exploration.

Until recently LiDAR surveying relied on human-operated flights by plane or helicopter, making it a costly and time consuming exploration method. By harnessing advancements in drone technology, the cost of completing a LiDAR survey has been reduced by approximately 80%. This is a major step forward for JSHG, our partners and the industry, and will enable more investment into property exploration.

On top of the substantial savings, drone-operated LiDAR also produces higher resolution imaging versus human operated LiDAR flights. This is because drones are able to operate at much lower altitudes, thereby placing the scanning device several factors closer to the surface being surveyed.

While JSHG is confident that this survey was the first of its kind to receive approval by MENDM, it isn’t the first time the company has commissioned this innovative technology.

Prior to the McCool property survey, drone-enabled LiDAR was first used to complete a survey at the company’s Seymour Lake Extension property, a potential lithium deposit located in Northern Ontario. These results received approval by MENDM on September 12, 2022.

Located approximately 60 Kilometers north of Thunder Bay, Ontario, JSHG’s Seymour Lake Extension property, covers 1371 acres, and sits just 300 meters east of Green Technology Metals’ (ASX: GT1) Seymour Lake lithium deposit – a site estimated to have a total mineral resource tonnage of 9.9 Mt @ 1.04% Li2O, and an indicated category mineral resource of 5.2 Mt @ 1.29% Li2O.

Using the LiDAR survey results, JSHG’s geological team, headed by Chief Geologist Fred Sharpley (QP), was able to assess that the property appears to have a geological structure consistent with a potential lithium mineral deposit, along with the presence of indicator minerals, like pegmatite, suggesting the same:

“The lithium occurs in pegmatite related to the lenticular hornblende tonalite and granite batholith. The pegmatite deposits occur as:

  • Structural zones related to the contact of the granite and mafic volcanics.  
  • North-South structural zones within the granite.

On the Seymour Extension property, a LiDAR Survey over parts of the property identified two mineral outcrops that are interpreted as pegmatite related to a north-south structure primarily within the granite at Seymour Lake.

An exploration program of prospecting and sampling is recommended.”

Regarding the LiDAR survey, Joshua Gold Resources President Ben Fuschino said, “I am proud of our geological team for deploying new innovative technology, reducing our exploration costs while at the same time increasing JSHG’s mineral exploration productivity.”

Conducting this LiDAR survey by drone comes at an exciting time for JSHG. In addition to this provincial first, the mineral exploration company recently named Peter D’Jay as an Independent Director, launched a brand new website and announced the acquisition of a new potential gold property located in northern Ontario.

About Joshua Gold Resources Inc.

Joshua Gold Resources Inc. (OTC Pink: JSHG) is a publicly traded American gold and mineral exploration company headquartered in Canada, home to the 3 billion-year-old Canadian Shield which contains a wealth of minerals from nickel, gold, copper, lithium, cobalt, niobium, lithium to chromium.

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Investor Relations Contact:

Peter Nicosia, President of Bull In Advantage, LLC
Phone: (585) 703-6565

Image of Joshua Gold Resources’ McCool property LiDAR survey showing an exposed rock outcrop.
Image of Joshua Gold Resources’ McCool property LiDAR survey showing an exposed rock outcrop.
Seymour Lake Extension map showing two indications of possible pegmatite outcrops revealed by the drone-enabled LiDAR survey
Seymour Lake Extension map showing two indications of possible pegmatite outcrops revealed by the drone-enabled LiDAR survey