Gold Prospect Property Located in Northern Ontario, Canada

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Location & Geography

Joshua Gold Resources’ Benoit-West property is situated in Northern Ontario, within Benoit Township. It is approximately 80 Kilometres southeast of Timmins, Ontario, and lies between the Larder Lake and Destor-Porcupine Faults.

Property Rights

Joshua Gold Resources has five claims known as the Benoit-West property. This ownership grants Joshua Gold Resources the sole rights to:

  • Explore for minerals, and:
  • Apply for a mining lease for their extraction

Exploratory History & Assessment

Our Jo-Anne property falls within an area of Abitibi volcanics, which extends from Timmins, Ontario to Chibougamau, Quebec. The area was mapped by H. L. Lovell in 1965 and appears to be metavolcanics that are tholeitic in appearance and part of the Knojevis Group.

The property has yielded gold values over 13 grams per tonne in grab samples from previous prospectors.  For more information on the Joe-Anne property please refer to the report linked below.

Joshua Gold Resources

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Joshua Gold Resources

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