Gold Prospect Property Located in North-East of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

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Location & Geography

The Tecumseh property is located in Ontario, in the northwestern portion of Davis Township. It is part of the Sudbury Mining Division and is situated approximately 40 Kilometres east-northeast of Sudbury.

Property Rights

Joshua Gold Resources owns a one hundred percent interest in four contiguous stake boundary mining claims, approximating 180 acres. This ownership grants Joshua Gold Resources the sole rights to:

  • Explore for minerals, and:
  • Apply for a mining lease for their extraction

Exploratory History & Assessment

Davis Township is primarily underlain by Huronian sediments of the Cobalt Group which have been intruded by broad Nipissing gabbro sills and dike (Thomson and Card, 1963). The terrain in this region is fairly rugged, characterized by prominent NWest trending ridges reaching elevations of up to 200 feet above lake level. These ridges are generally parallel to the gabbro unit which hosts gold-bearing veins in a series of parallel and sub-parallel fractures (McLeod, 1988).

The Tecumseh property features a prominent North-West striking Nipissing gabbro sill with a width of up to 3,500 feet. This gabbro sill was the focus of this investigation, as it harbors numerous sequences of quartz-carbonate-filled fractures which also trend NWest. Some of these quartz veins are found to contain pyrite, chalcopyrite, and gold which may occur in native form (McLeod, 1988).

Joshua Gold Resources

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Joshua Gold Resources

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